Pizza is one of the world’s most popular foods and is recognized for its delicious crust, creamy sauce, and decadent cheese. Countries around the world prepare and eat pizza in many different ways. Regardless of the slice being enjoyed, it’s fun and easy to pick the best technique to eat pizza. Read through this article to learn how to enjoy pizza in different ways and come down to Empire Slice in Nichols Hills because let’s be real–the best way to enjoy pizza is to eat one!


Holding and Folding Your Pizza

Empire Slice Shop-Nichols Hills has one of the best thin crust pizzas in Oklahoma. So a great way to enjoy our pizza is to hold the pizza by its  thick and crispy crust and put the point of the slice into your mouth. From there, you can eat away and enjoy all of the toppings and delicious dipping sauces. However, there are a couple other ways you can eat a piece of pizza which we’ll explain below.


The New York Fold

The New York fold is a great choice to enjoy your pizza. First, take the sides of the pizza and fold them to meet, creating a “U” shape with the crust. Next, prop up your slice by pinching your thumb and middle finger under the crust, and use your index finger to hold down the center. Most New Yorkers claim that this is the best way to eat a pizza because it keeps the cheese in place and makes the pizza easier to eat while standing or walking. This patented technique also has the added bonus of protecting the roof of your mouth from getting burnt on hot cheese. 


The Pizza Wallet

Another great way to enjoy your slice is by creating a pizza wallet. This style keeps Neapolitan style pizza from losing its toppings. Many pizza chefs recommend folding the end to the crust and then folding the slice in half to make a type of pocket out of the pizza. This innovative style keeps your toppings on the slice and ensures you get equal flavor on each bite. After you fold your slice into a wallet you can eat it from any side. Many pizza lovers recommend eating the crust side first to keep the wallet from falling apart. Eating pizza from the crust side allows you to get some cheese, sauce and toppings in each bite. Starting on the crustside actually saves cheese and sauce to be enjoyed with the crust. The Pizza Wallet is a fantastic way to enjoy your slice!


Save your Crust

Empire Slice Shop-Nichols Hills  has a delicious ranch, tangy and savory marinara, and a secret pink sauce. So, once you finish the slice and get to the crust, you should dip the end of the slice into your extra sauce. Tear your crust into pieces and be sure to let the sauce drip before eating, or you’ll end up with sauce all over your shirt.


Eat Pizza like an Italian

Many pizza enthusiasts will tell you to avoid the knife and fork at all costs, but sometimes it’s appropriate. For deep dish style pies, cutting up the slice into smaller pieces with a knife and fork allows you to get crust, sauce, cheese, and toppings in every bite. Also, using cutlery is the cleanest method for eating pizza and would probably be best if you’re at an important dinner or out on a date. If you’re enjoying an Italian pizza, they’re rarely served pre-sliced, so it’ll come with a fork and a knife. You can make bite-sized pieces with your cutlery to enjoy your pizza. It’s good to note that Neapolitan pizza in Italy is customarily eaten with a fork and knife. Empire has affordable, by the slice options that offer great value. Also, order pizza by the slice if you’re on-the-go. We’ll cut a slice from a big pizza and serve it to you.


Best Pizza Places In Nichols Hills 

When you are craving a delicious slice of pizza or just can’t decide where to go, choose Empire Slice Shop– Nichols Hills! Regardless of how you eat your pizza, We have fan favorite signature pies or options to build your own from the crust up. If you come in wanting just a few slices, or need a slice to go, we have different daily slice specials, so you can always have a variety to choose from. 

Visit our website to view our full menus, to order pizza online, see our different pizza place locations, see our daily pizza slices, apply for a job, or just to keep up with us on Instagram. Enjoy our chill atmosphere and allow us to serve you at any of our pizza shops! If you have any questions, and would like to see what we’re all about give us a call, or stop by in person. We’d love to hear from you and look forward to seeing you in one of our local Nichols Hills pizza places


Phone Number

(405) 557-1760



1125 NW 63rd St. Nichols Hills, OK



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Empire Slice Shop – Nichols Hills