50% off pizza for life!


Besties with one of our custom Empire tattoos will get half off pizza for life.

Download the art here to take to your favorite tattoo shop. Once you’ve declared your life-long and permanent love for Ellie, email marketing@84hospitality.com to get your discount card.

Can I go to my own artist?

While our custom Empire tattoo art was originally designed by Ashley Dawn, you’re free to take them to any artist of your choice!

Can I get any "empire-themed" tattoo?

Rules are rules, ya know? We’ve got a few sanctioned Empire designs for you to choose from. But you can choose to go black and white or full-color.

What are the discount details?

The discount is good for half off up to two whole pies or 12 slices per day! The discount does not go toward apps, sauces, alcohol, or anything else not strictly pizza.

Dine-in or to-go.

is the discount good at any location?

Any Empire, any time baby.

any rules or stipulations?

To be eligible for the discount, your tattoo must be one of our custom Empire designs.

It must also be placed somewhere you’d show your mom – no genitals or buttcheeks, please!

I got one! What now?

Huzzah! Please email marketing@84hospitality.com to get your discount card in the works. Be prepared to prove your love – uh, we mean, show off your new ink.

Learn more about us at Empire Slice House including our 20 inch NY Style Pizzas and our specialty cocktails.